Lodge History

Minutes of 100 Years Ago

January 1915

An Extract of the minutes of the meeting held 100 years ago is read out in Lodge at every meeting. You can read them at your leisure here:



PRESENT WERE :           14 OFFICERS ( including WM WBro. W.H.Blackaby )

MEMBERS;                         20

VISITORS;                           2


The Lodge was opened in due form after solemn prayer at 5 p.m.

The minutes of the last regular meeting were read and confirmed by the Brethren present.

A ballot was then taken for Mr. George Compton who had been proposed and seconded as a fit and proper person to become a Freemason, and at the conclusion of the ballot it was found to be unanimous in his favour.

W.Bro. W.J. Burn P.M.   then assumed the gavel and Bros. Taylor and Lilley were called to the P. and after they had given proof of the progress they had made in the science were entrusted with the P.G. and P.W. leading from the 1st to the 2nd degree. They then retired to be prepared for the ceremony.

The Lodge was then advanced to the 2nd. degree, when Bros. Taylor & Lilley were re-admitted and passed to the degree of a F.C. The ceremony of passing being very impressively rendered by the W. Bro. W.J. Burn P.M.

The W.M. then re-assumed the gavel and Bro. J.J. Appleton S.W. Master elect, was then presented to the W.M. by W.Bro. Vaughan D.C. for the benefit of installation.

The ancient charges were read by the Secretary to Bro. J.J. Appleton, to all of which he signified his unqualified assent.

The F.Cs then retired from the Lodge.

The Lodge was then advanced to the 3rd. Degree and all the Brethren below the rank of an installed Master, retired.

Bro. J.J. Appleton was then installed into the chair of K.S. according to ancient custom. The ceremony being very impressively rendered by W.Bro. W.H. Blackaby, installing master.

The installed Master having duly invested his I.P.M. all Master Masons were re-admitted and under the direction of the D.C. they saluted the W.M. as M.Ms.

The Lodge was then lowered to the 2nd. Degree and the Brethren saluted the W.M. as F.C.

The Lodge was then lowered to the 1st Degree and the Brethren saluted the W.M. as an E.A.

The W.M. then invested his officers for the ensuing year.

The W.M. then presented W.Bro. Blackaby with a P.M. Jewel, paying him, at the same time, a high tribute to the very efficient manner he had carried out the important duties of the Lodge during his year of office.

W.Bro. Blackaby thanked the W.M. and Brethren for the honour thus conferred and for their kind appreciation of his services.

The W.M. then presented Bro. R. King, on behalf of the Lodge, with a Secretarys Jewel, as an appreciation of services rendered to the Lodge during the last   3 years. Bro. King , in suitable terms, then thanked the Brethren

Letters of apology for non-attendance were received from three members.

Under the direction of the D.C. the visiting Brethren greeted the newly-installed W.M.

Nothing further being offered for the good of Freemasonry in general, or this Lodge in particular, it was closed in perfect harmony at 7.45 p.m.

The broken column at the installation supper yielded £1.00